Management Consulting

SBS has worked closely with business owners since 1982 in a variety of business models to improve profitability, achieve equity build-up, and substantially enhance internal cash flow. We know what it takes to operate a business successfully, and we know how to anticipate what the banks are looking for. Because of our extensive and varied banking backgrounds we have been especially successful in interfacing with banks and other creditors on our clients behalf.

“SBS creates client value by providing financial peace of mind that you can take to the bank.”

SBS Philosophy

"The essence of the financing process is to be successful the very first time with a predictable outcome that serves the short- term and long-term best interests of the business."

Chief Executive Officer,

Sunrise Business Services, LLC

2380 Fairview Lane
Newcastle, CA 95658
916-663-4412 - Phone
916-663-1575 - Fax